.... a Tech Rep!
This will be a hybrid role. Parts of the year, you will be on the road - responsible for planning clinics to educate retail staff, gear demos with rock gyms, hosting/supporting climbing and running events, and spreading knowledge and enthusiasm about our brands across the Southeast (Black Diamond, Teva, LIVSN, and Peak Design). It will not necessarily be 3 months straight -- there will be weekends off, and some days and weeks off in town, but it will primarily be on the road.
The other half of this job will be spent working in Chattanooga, TN performing order entry, reporting, trade show organization, customer service, and basically running support while others in the agency are on the road.
The main goal of this job is to learn the ropes about sell-in and sell-through with our brands, which will likely progress to a role as a full sales rep for ORO.
We’d like this hire to be based in Chattanooga. We might make exceptions, but with demo/sample gear and being potentially new to the industry, we prefer a home base of Chattanooga at the moment.
Start date: Between July 1 and August 1
Skills required
Proficiency at Excel
Time management and finding efficiencies
This job is somewhat unstructured and being able to pivot, change gears, yet stay focused is pretty important
No prior knowledge of our brands are needed, but you have to have a mind for understanding gear, the end user, and conveying that information
Do not need to be a 5.14 climber, an AT thru hiker, or ultra runner, but a core love for being outside is a must
Creativity - writing, photography, video, social media - not imperative, but a huge plus
A reliable truck, camper, van, or hatchback/mid size SUV. You will be hauling a lot of stuff around.
Flexibility around travel times for trade show season, demo season, and clinic season
Independent, yet open to constructive guidance. It's impossible to list a normal day-to-day for this job. The first year will involve learning a lot!
Good conversationalist - being able to talk to people from all walks of life about a variety of topics is essential.
Please email tj@ontheroadandoff.co and todd@ontheroadandoff.co answers to the below questions. They do not have to be novels, but we want to know a bit more about who you are. If you have a resume, please send it as an attachment.
Describe your perfect day - where, what, why?
Worst job ever and why?
Best job ever and why?
Band you really want to see live?
Can your car hold 6 crashpads?
Why do you want to work with ORO?
